Monday, January 16, 2012

Promising Sweets Manufacturer Folds

Owner Found Dead in Piles of Product

Kate Rhinehart
Associated Press Writer

SAN ANTONIO - A very promising new business folded this month after suffering from either a targeted attack, or the worst case of bad luck ever seen. Sweet Stuff Incorporated, a company founded by eccentric entrepreneur Lawrence Brusco, suffered devastating losses in the month of December when a series of events crippled their ability to do business in San Antonio.

The company suffered from not one, not even two, but four separate cases of what even a well established business would call a nightmare. The issues began as minor, and quickly escalated. There was a shooting at a local HEB distribution plant. It may have been considered entirely unconnected has a factory supply Sweet Stuff Inc’s new revolutionary artificial sweetener not also been destroyed later that evening. SWAT was called out to the area, and the building was leveled by a large explosion. There were several guards
found dead inside.

Bad enough, but later that evening the company suffered a gruesome break in. Critical
files were stolen from an office, and a secretary brutally murdered in the process. SWAT
was not able to apprehend any suspects.

The death blow came the next morning when the company was informed that its license
to practice business in the Greater San Antonio area had been revoked, due to problems found with the product. Sweet Stuff Incorporated filed for bankruptcy later that week.

Unfortunately, like most of these stories, this one quickly turns from sad to utterly tragic. Lawrence Brisco’s family came from oil money, but Mr. Brisco was always considered the black sheep. Mr. Brisco had come to San Antonio to make his own way in the world and seemed to have struck a new kind of gold when he discovered the revolutionary new sweetener. His company exploded overnight, and the sweetener was  rolled out in hundreds of products across the city. But when all the sweetener had to be recalled, and  business were insisting on refunds, Mr. Brisco had neither the money, nor the fortitude to overcome
his colossal failure.

He disappeared for three days. Family and friends were hectic, as his mental state had been far from sound before his disappearance. On Tuesday the 27th, he was found dead in a huge mound of the recalled artificial
sweetener. He had apparently been there the whole time, buried under the product. He drowned
in his own failure.

There is no evidence of foul play in the death of the man, as he was known to be very eccentric.
Sources say that its believed that he intentionally suffocated himself with the powered product
sometime late Christmas Day. The family is refusing further comment.

Violence Rises in SA

  Gangs and mystery cults- SAPD under suspicion
of cover up operation
Flames engulf a factory Satuday night. several guards were found dead inside the blaze

Valerie Strong
San Antonio Gazette - Staff Writer

SAN ANTONIO - Violence has skyrocketed in the month of December, to rather alarming levels. Citizens
are frightened to leave their homes, and even businesses are not immune to the havoc that the encroaching gangs and alleged cults are playing on the city.

11 bodies were found gunned down early Sunday, the 4th. Police reports indicate that all the victims were gang members, and that no bystanders were injured. It is unknown at this time who took down all 11 members, or what the motive may have been, but the police are writing it off as a turf dispute. Local members of the community are accusing police of ignoring the facts, insisting the gang was on their home turf, and that the police were dismissing important warning signs.

Accusations of police incompetency came raging back to the  forefront of the public mind when more violence erupted on Saturday, December 17th.

Local businesses were targeted this time, in an attack that almost seemed in line with terrorism. SWAT was called out to several different locations over the course of the night and people
encouraged not to leave their homes.

There was a shooting at both a HEB distribution center and a local vegan restaurant, a break in at a local office building where important files were stolen and one woman was brutally
murdered, raped with office supplies, and partially eaten, and finally, a factory building was completely destroyed and
all the guards killed when someone tampered with a gas main. In all of the death and destruction, not one suspect has been arrested, and there is reportedly almost no available evidence.

SAPD has issued a statement stating the violence was caused by
a doomsday cult operations out of a small town in the south.

People are beginning to fear for their safety, and are reticent to leave their homes. Critics are calling foul on the San Antonio Police Department, with arguments that not all these crimes fit the MO of a gang or a cult- even one as violent as the Mexican Mafia, or as unhinged as a doomsday group. Even the most conservative
members of the community are beginning to believe the cover up
conspiracy, and are questioning who the SAPD are really trying to protect and serve, the people of San Antonio, or the criminals?

A cover up is, however, unlikely. People just don’t want to be afraid, and this new cult is terrifying with the damage and mayhem they have already caused. But without public opinion on their side, the SAPD may not be equipped to handle the new threat, and more lives may be lost in the coming weeks.