Friday, December 9, 2011


Witnesses claim undead cows are wandering the hill country

Artist rendition of “zombie cow”

By Associated Writing Staff

BEXAR — Something is spooking the farmers in the hill country. "I'll tell you what we got out here, if frickin' walking dead cows! That's what!". Yes, it appears farmers just outside of Bexar county claim that at night the fields are host to "zombie cattle" — Undead cows shambling through the night, attacking anything in their paths.

Even with the long list of supposed supernatural creature and ghost stories in San Antonio, this is new phenomena. Some say it's a prank or better yet, the machinations of the recent ghost hunter convention that occurred Downtown. It is important to notes that the first story occurred on the night of the convention itself with Poughkeepsie native Eugene Fineberg, in for the convention as well, claiming to have captured one of the beasts only to embarrass himself by revealing a mess of slaughterhouse guts and viscera spilling from his truck. Regardless of the obvious hoax, the story persists with residents surround the area where Fineberg claims to have herded the animal. "People are gullible inbred misfits in that neighborhood." says area Sheriffs deputy Dean Kowalski. "I'm often called out there to catch Cupacabra, so you know you’re dealing with a brain trust.”

When asked if he was concerned what residents would think upon reading his quote he replied "You think they read?".

Mr. Fineberg could not be reached for comment before the deadline for this report.

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