Friday, December 9, 2011

Police Lose Arrest Records

By Associated Writing Staff

Criminals, vagrants, and over-zealous partiers lucked out on Saturday, November 19th.
Police were forced to release all those who had been arrested that evening after their records went missing. As there was no longer any documentation for those who were languishing away in the cells, the supposed law breakers walked free, with the exception of those who were still noticeably intoxicated.
Sources say that among those who went free were individuals suspected of armed robbery, sexual assault, and murder.

Police are remaining tight lipped about the situation, and insist that no one is to blame. It is unknown at this time if the loss of arrest records was caused by human error, a computer glitch, or intentional tampering.
Authorities say that those who had been arrested for serious crimes would be monitored or re-arrested, if they had not already fled the area.

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